Import department
Human being has always sought to meet the needs and started from the most basic facilities to reach this goal, and over time, with the increase of wants and needs, naturally, these facilities have also grown.
At first, eating and drinking and a place to sleep was a need for human beings, but over time, after meeting the basic need to survive, it has taken a very long and difficult way to grow and develop, and its spice is a sense of diversity and achieving a life it has been easier and more desirable.
Import is a very general word but it can be expressed in simple language:
All the items needed by every person who prepares and enters the house in life are imports, including food items, clothing, tools, educational tools, and etc. which has increased in variety and multiplicity over time and today we see the use of many and varied items in our lives.
In order to achieve the above purpose and due to the huge scope of this need, solution must be considered to address it so that the preparation of these items can be done more easily, faster and in timely manner. Therefore, little by little, the word import shows its meaning better in human daily life, so that it can be more influential and powerful in helping to meet these needs.
Needs also have their own diversity, including emotional needs such as variety in color, model, beauty, and technical needs such as technical knowledge, engineering, information, and technological needs such as tools, devices, machinery, and raw materials such as minerals, plants, and organic, chemical materials.
It is quite obvious that over time and with the growth of human age, the root of the tree needs and the diversity of its foliage becomes much deeper, larger and more complex.
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