MTC Chemical Products


Chemical material - food grade




This substance is a hydrochloric acid that is present in the cell wall and between the intercellular matrix of the marine red moss plant called Irish moss. Carrageenan is an anionic polymer in the form of hetero poly saccarid iodine with ester sulfate. It is high molecular weight substance that contains 15 to 40 % ester sulfate and it consists of D-Galactose and 3/6 Anhydro-Galactose units.

Different types of carrageenan are: kapa carrageenan, Utah carrageenan and lambda carrageenan. Each of this carrageenan has different solubility and gel-like properties.
Kapa carrageenan and Utah carrageenan are dissolved in hot water at 70. C, while lambda carrageenan is dissolved in cold water. The gel from kapa carrageenan is brittle, while the gel from uta carrageenan has more elasticity. 

What makes the difference in the properties of different types of carrageenan, Capa, Utah and lambda, is the number and location of sulfate groups and the amount of 3/6 Anhydro-Galactose. Higher amount of sulfate reduce the strength of the gel and lower the solubility temperature.
Water-based jelly desserts, cake polishes, cream and mousse desserts, ice cream stabilizers, meat products to crush the product, firming desserts and puddings, and caramel cream.
Stabilizer, moisture retainer, gel-forming agent, emulsifier, volumizing agent, gloss agent.


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